Omaha Metro Table Tennis Club

Submitted by Rod Cowles
(Omaha, Nebraska, USA)

Omaha Metro Table Tennis Club

Omaha Metro Table Tennis Club

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The Omaha Metro Table Tennis club plays at the Faith Presbyterian Church gym, 8100 Giles Road, La Vista, Nebraska, USA.

(About three blocks East of 84th and Giles, on the NW corner)
We use the entrance on the north side of the building.
Go up the metal fire escape stairs on the outside of the building. These lead directly into the gym. The door on your right will be open. (Just pull the little handle.)

Our schedule is:
Thursday nights: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm and
Sunday nights: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Sunday night start time varies so it is best to check our website for the current time.

We charge $4 per night for adults and $3 a night for students and church members.

Our facility is heated and air conditioned. The lighting is pretty good. There are snack bars and a soda machine available.

Our club is always open to new members and visitors. In fact there really is no "membership" per se. All you do is show up any Thursday or Sunday night, any time. The first night is free! Loaner rackets are available and we sell top quality three star balls.

Our club has more than 40 active members. Of course not all come every night. There are regular attenders and occasional drop-ins. We have an average of 18 people on Sunday nights and 20 on Thursday nights. Member ages range from 8 to 78.

We have players from all levels - beginner to state champions. We generally play winner stays at the table and you challenge any table you want to play at. You won't have to sit and wait though, because we have eight tables so everyone is playing almost all the time.

We provide a ball pitching robot, instruction video, and a book available for check out. For serious students we offer coaching for a fee.

Our club is more social than most clubs. We enjoy playing doubles and you are welcome to join a few of us that get a bite to eat afterwords. We often car pool to tournaments and get together once a year for a club paid dinner party.

Come visit us soon!

Don't forget: Your first visit is free!

For more information contact:

Rod Cowles
Telephone: 402 981 5381
Email: hotrodvet 'at' yahoo 'dot' com
(replace 'at' with @ & 'dot' with . & remove the spaces)

Our website is:

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