Table Tennis Coaching
Personalised For You

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Improve your game with my video analysis

 By Martin Hughes
 Owner and Editor

Submit your video for coaching analysis

If you need some help to improve your table tennis skills, you can now request some personalised coaching tips right here.

And the best thing is - it's free of charge.

Just follow the instructions below and you'll be on your way to playing better table tennis.

How To Request Personalised Coaching

All you need to do is...

  1. Select ONE table tennis problem you need help with

  2. Record a short video of yourself playing table tennis to demonstrate this ONE problem

  3. Post your video on YouTube (or elsewhere where I can download it), and then

  4. State what help you need in the form below. Be as specific and detailed as possible.

I will then review your video and give you some tips on how you can improve your table tennis skills.


If you do not provide a video and state what help you need, I will not be able to help you.

Your video, your question and my reply will appear right here on my web site so that everyone else can benefit too.

Here is a question previously submitted...

[ ? ]

Author Information

Enter your details below.

(first or full name)

(e.g., City, State, Country)

Submit Your Contribution

  •  submission guidelines.

(You can preview and edit on the next page)

See other videos submitted

Click on the links below to see videos submitted for personal table tennis coaching analysis...

Trying to improve my forehand loop 
I play table tennis for years with friends. I have been trying to improve my forehand loop. I watched many videos on YouTube to learn it correctly. …

I need help with my forehand stroke 
I need help with my forehand stroke. My grip on the racket (paddle / bat) is poor. The racket is vertical and should, I believe, be more parallel …

I Need Help With My Footwork and Forehand Topspin 
My name is Thinh Tran and I live in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. I am 40 years old and I started playing table tennis about 16 months ago. I am kind of …

Click here to write your own.

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For more information on how to play table tennis and improve your game, take a look at my other tips and techniques articles...

Basic Skills


Advanced Skills


Strategies and Tactics




Skill Tests






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This web site receives thousands of visitors every day and therefore, to keep it completely free to use, advertising and affiliate links appear on this web site.

However, these adverts and affiliate links do not influence the advice and recommendations given on this web site.

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These work in the same way as normal links, but when you click on it, the link is tracked to AATT and, if you make a purchase, may generate a small payment to me.

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